“Of modems and moos: Internet becoming latest farming tool”
Observer-Reporter | May 7, 2000
As reported by Paul Snatchko, in the Observer-Reporter May 7, 2000:
“The sounds of the farm hold a special place in American culture: the crow of a rooster as the sun comes up, the mooing of cows needing to be milked and the call to chickens at feeding time.
But now, the whizzing sounds of modems connecting to the Internet may become an important part of everyday life on today’s successful farms
….. For more than three years, Marcy, Dale and Nigel Tudor have been using the Internet to promote their Weatherbury Farm, an 100-acre bed-and-breakfast working farm outside Avella.
‘It’s been extremely effective,’ said Dale Tudor, who credited his wife as being the ‘Internet guru’ in the family.
Tudor said some 75 percent of the bed and breakfast’s business is generated from their Internet site (weatherburyfarm.com/newsite). He said visitors have come to their farm from as far away as Japan, Australia, New Zealand and many of the European countries.
‘One of the beauties of it is than even if they’ve heard of us from another source, we can direct them to the Web Site.'”