Weatherbury Farm News and Events
Raising Certified Organic Grains and Grass fed Meats
Raising Certified Organic Grains and Grass fed Meats
October 2021
On October 15th we planted .248 ha/.613 ac of Obsidian Black Emmer.
We started with 12 seeds, which we obtained at Agritechnica 2011 from the Deutches Bundessortenamt (the office that ensures seed quality by testing throughout Germany). As emmer is not a protected a variety class, the gentleman manning the stand allowed us to take “ein bißchen” amount of seeds.
We started bulking the seed in 2012, by planting increasingly larger test plots. By 2018 we had a 1/3 of an acre planted. That was a unfortunately a very wet year and we lost the whole crop.
In the fall of 2020, we planted a large plot to start bulking our seed back up again. On the 15th, those seeds were planted; We’re hoping for the best – and that we will harvest enough emmer in 2022 to mill flour.
Emmer Sheaf 2021
Emmer Plot circa 2014
Display vase of emmer at Agritechnica 2011
July 2021
November 2 , 2020
That’s (yes, like the magazine of the same name).
Not exactly where you would expect to find Weatherbury Farm. However, we are still humble and signing photos at no fee.
January 18 , 2020
There are over 14,000 certified organic farms in the USA. The Cornucopia Institute featured 4 as “Faces of Authentic Organic Farmers” on their new homepage. Weatherbury Farm is one!
The Cornucopia Institute is a national food and farm policy watchdog group working to uphold the integrity of organic, local, and other forms of alternative agriculture. We are honored to be one of their faces of “authentic organic farmers!”
January 7, 2020
After working on the concept for several years, we were very excited to introduce our Grain Tracker in August. Each Weatherbury Farm flour bag now has a Grain Tracker label with a QR code which can be scanned to learn where and how the grain for the flour was grown. To our knowledge, we are the only farm in the world offering this level of transparency.
Weatherbury Farm celebrated 20 years on line with our new mobile friendly website, which Marcy had been working on for several years.
In 2019, we were also able to harvest all of our crops (unlike 2018 when we lost our rolled oats, black beans and buckwheat to wet weather).
The Cornucopia Institute (a national food & farm policy watchdog working to uphold the integrity of organic and local agriculture) wrote a very nice article on the farm calling us a “Renaissance Family”! And Marcy was featured in a PA Preferred video about veterans who were farmers (the video is available on our Facebook page , November 11th post).
Friday May 31,2019
Potluck Dinner: 6:15PM
The folk music jam will follow dinner.
Please join us for an evening of flour, fun, food and music on Friday May 31, 2019.
Pick up your June flour order from 5:30 to 6:00PM and then join us for a potluck dinner in the Livery Hall. A folk music jam will follow dinner.
Plan on bringing a dish to share, your instrument(s), voice, music and a sense of fun.
Folk music jams are folks playing and folks singing and folks listening. An attendee at a November ’07 jam called it a community sing-along.