Weatherbury Farm Grain Tracker
From Planting to Harvest, Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat (Whole & Sifted Maxine Bread Flour) in the field:
Before planting Maxine Wheat, the fields are plowed and harrowed. Harrowing smooths the field after plowing.
Planting the Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat
After the fields are plowed and harrowed, the Maxine Wheat is planted. On the front of the planter, there is also a harrow which smooths the field, giving the Maxine the best possible growing conditions.
Winter planted grains, like Maxine, need to vernalize over the winter to produce grain. If you planted the Maxine Wheat in the spring, it would just look like grass and not develop any grain.
A closeup of the Maxine Wheat emerging from winter; already the plants have already begun to tiller and put forth multiple stalks per plant.
This photo was taken the day that clover was seeded into the crop. The clover suppresses weeds, aids in holding up the grain, increases soil organic matter, and eventually provides nitrogen to the next crop.
Maxine Bread Flour in the field!
Just over two months later, the wheat is beginning to head out. The wheat grains that are milled into flour are in the wheat heads.
You can see the clover that was seeded in April growing in the undergrowth of the wheat.
Harvesting Maxine Wheat with our Gleaner Combine
When the Maxine Wheat is harvested, the wheat grain is stored in the body of the combine. Straw comes out the back of the combine and is deposited back into field. The straw will be used either to bed animals or left in the field to increase the organic matter of the soil.
Unloading the Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat into a gravity wagon to take the grain back to the home farm. There, we place aerators in the wagon to bring down the moisture of the grain. The grain is stored in the wagon until it is cleaned.
Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat Facts 2024
In 2024, Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat was grown in Independence Township on the farm established by Robert Leggett in 1815. Leggett had holdings totally 585 acres in the area and raised 1000 sheep. In addition to being a farmer, he was a breeder and dealer of 1st class Spanish sheep (Merino). Today the farm still raises sheep. Weatherbury Farm transitioned this land from conventional in 2013 and it was certified organic in 2015.
The wheat was planted on two fields totaling 3.315 acres on October 18, 2023.
Clover was frost seeded into the wheat on April 8, 2024. (The clover suppresses weeds, aids in holding up the grain, increases soil organic matter, and eventually provides nitrogen to the next crop.)
The Maxine Wheat was harvested on July 2, 2024.
At the 2024 Washington County Fair, the Maxine Wheat sheaf won 3rd place and the jar of Maxine Wheat grains won 4th place.
For an illustrated explanation of how Weatherbury grains become flour, visit the from seed to flour page.
About Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat
Maxine is a fairly modern German variety and it is well adapted to growing in the northeast.
Products Milled from Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat
Maxine Wheat is milled into organic, unbleached whole and sifted Maxine Bread Flour. With very good baking properties, the flour is used by bakers for all types of leavened, unleavened & sourdough baked goods.
Bread, made with Weatherbury’s Bread Flour, ground from Maxine wheat, has been called “life affirming” by eater. com.
Health benefits of Wheat
Wheat is an excellent source of protein, dietary fibers, manganese and selenium. Wheat’s fiber boosts the digestive process and improves overall metabolism. The vitamin B content of wheat provides you with energy. Additionally, the complex carbohydrates in wheat keeps you feeling fuller longer and give you energy over a longer period.
Managanese, which wheat is rich in, acts as a co-factor for greater than 300 enzymes involved in the production of insulin and glucose secretion. Wheat’s betaine content prevents chronic inflammation, which is a key constituent in rheumatic pains and diseases. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory property reduces the risk of ailments like osteoporosis, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and type-2 diabetes.
More Information
Maxine bread flour can be ordered at our on-line shop either for our monthly on-farm pickup or you can have your order sent to you.
To read more about Maxine bread flour, please visit our Maxine Flours page.
More information on Maxine Hard Red Winter Wheat and other grains grown at Weatherbury Farm are on the grains we grow page.