Weatherbury Farm Grain Tracker
From Planting to Oberkulmer Spelt (Whole & Sifted Flour, Rolled Spelt and Spelt Berries) in the field:
The Oberkulmer Spelt is planted on fields that have been plowed and harrowed.
Spelt emerging from winter. The spelt grows over the winter and already has quite a few tillers. Like all of Weatherbury’s winter planted grains, Spelt needs to vernalize to produce grain. If the grain was planted it in the spring, it would just look like grass and wouldn’t develop any grain heads.
3 Months later.
Spelt Flour in the field!
The Spelt is almost ready to harvest.
Harvesting Spelt using our combine.
The spelt is unloaded into a gravity wagon for transport back to the farm.
Locally grown spelt for local Weatherbury Farm Spelt Flour. The spelt travels just 4 miles to Weatherbury’s Mill.
Oberkulmer Spelt Facts 2021
In 2021, spelt was grown in Independence Township on 2 fields totaling 5.7 acres on the farm known historically as “Pleasant View Farm.” J.M Welsh established the farm in 1824. Welsh is listed in the Caldwell Atlas as a farmer, grain, stock and wool grower. The farm was dormant for many years; however since 2006, organic grains and hay were grown on this farm. Weatherbury Farm has farmed this land since 2017. The farm has been certified organic since 2006.
The spelt was planted on October 14, 2020.
Clover was frost seeded into the grain on April 4 & 5, 2021. (The clover suppresses weeds, aids in holding up the grain and, eventually provides nitrogen to the next crop.)
The spelt was harvested on July 22, 2021.
At the 2021 Washington County Fair, the Oberkulmer Spelt sheaf won 3rd place and the jar of Oberkulmer Spelt grains won 4th place.
For an illustrated explanation of how Weatherbury grains become flour, visit the from seed to flour page.
About Oberkulmer Spelt
Spelt is one of the three ancient hulled wheats. At Weatherbury Farm, we grow Oberkulmer Spelt, which is a robust old Swiss landrace.
Oberkulmer is a true spelt with no modern wheat genetics.
Spelt is protected from the elements by a hull which doesn’t come free in harvest (unlike the hulls on wheat which do). The removal of the hull prior to milling requires special machinery. Weatherbury is lucky to have a spelt dehuller, built by Farmer Nigel.
Products Milled from Oberkulmer Spelt
Oberkulmer Spelt is milled into organic unbleached whole and sifted spelt flour. Sourdough spelt bread is thought by many to be the most tasty of breads.
Rolled Spelt offers a new dimension for breakfast and for use in other recipes.
Spelt berries (with their chewy texture and nutty sweet flavor, can be used as a hot cereal, in a salad or in place of rice for a soup or pilaf.
Health benefits of Spelt
Spelt is one of the healthiest foods. Prized for its superior nutrition, spelt is higher than wheat in protein, minerals and vitamins. With a gluten entirely different from wheat, spelt imparts a nutty flavor. It is gentle for the whole digestive tract and strengthens your immune system and your nerves.
More Information
Spelt flour, rolled spelt and spelt berries can be ordered on our order page for the monthly on-farm pickup or you can have your order sent to you.
To read more about spelt flour, rolled spelt and spelt berries please visit our products page.
More information on spelt and other grains grown by Weatherbury Farm is on the grains we grow page.